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The lightning flashed, and thunder crashed as it poured . I was trying to help my oldest daughter finish her homework assignment. My four year old, who was supposed to be sleeping, came running back out to the living room. "Will the lights go out," she wondered. My oldest daughter chimed in, what if one of our trees falls down? What if it falls on the house? " I prayed for them, for safety in the storm, and gave them a flashlight. After  while the storm dissipated enough and I was able to get them to go to sleep.

After they went to bed, I thought about the storms in my life and how I often react to them in  similar way with anxiety and worry. I know that Jesus has the ability to control the storm, it is that I need to trust Him more fully in every area of my life.

~Cast all of your care upon Him for He cares for you. I Peter 5:7.


  1. How true is this! As I lay here in bed waiting for my 6 month old to go to sleep at 1 am for the fourth night in a row. I'm starting to to get a little discouraged, i start wondering and questioning myself, am I good enough? Then your new post pops up. So thanks I needed that.

  2. Your welcome, I was feeling inspired. Stay tuned for my tomorrow's post. Tomorrow is Frugal Friday.


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