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Liebster Award and Nominees

I am so excited to announce that Home Sweet Home Team has been nominated for a Liebster Award..

The rules for the Liebster Blogging Award are as follows:
* Thank the blog that nominated you and link back to them..
*Answer 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you. 
*Tell readers 11 random facts about yourself...
*Nominate up to 11 bloggers to receive the award next..
*Give your new nominees questions to answer about themselves.

A Liebster Award is given by the blogging community to recognize and support new bloggers like ME!! I am so honored that Amy from Third Shift Living nominated me.. Her blog is so awesome and I can sooo relate to many of her blog post.. As I read her articles, I can hear her "voice" just as if we are sitting in the same room together talking. One of my favorite posts of hers is "My New Daily Routine for Third Shift Workers”.  I am not a third shift worker, but I always enjoy seeing  what people do for their routines, especially since I always struggle with keeping one.  Now that I am a blogger, I am always looking for new inspiration.  She is also a couponer, crafter, and best of all we both are lovers of God.


 My Q & Answer Session with Amy from Third Shift Living

 1.) When is your favorite time of year? My favorite time of the year is summer because I love the warm weather, and all of the opportunities to be outside. I love spending time with the family outside, and love having picnics and barbeques.

2.) If you could meet anyone in the world & actually spend some time getting to know that person, who would it be & why?  This is a hard question because I’m not very impressed usually with what fame does to people so it could not be a Hollywood person. As result I would say probably, Billy Graham, the reason would be that the way that he has allowed God to work in his life in sharing Christ throughout his life.

 3.) What is your most favorite thing about blogging? My favorite thing about blogging is the creative aspect. Once I get the juices flowing, I could go all day, or until I need to refill a sippy cup or change a diaper.

 4.)  Who was your celeb teen crush growing up? Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block. It had to be the blue eyes, hello.
5.) What made you want to start a blog? Since I was in high school I always wanted to be a writer. I used to write pages and pages of detailed stories in my 11th grade English journal. My English teacher always encouraged me to keep up with it, but I never had the time. My dream is to someday write a book.

 6.) What is your favorite movie/tv show? One that you could watch over & over again? My favorite movie is Big Fat Greek Wedding I could watch it over and over, and still laugh. I also am a big fan of “Who Do You Think You Are?” because I love the idea of researching family history.
 7.) Who is your BLOGGING hero? or What blogger would you most like to be like or emulate their success? This is hard question because I actually have more than one blogging hero. The very first blog that I ever followed was Life as Mom, so I guess that makes Jessica Fisher (blogger, and cookbook author) my blogging hero. I was brand new mom, when I first started reading about her adventures in freezer cooking, and nuggets of encouragement.

 8.) If you could visit any country in the world where would that be? I have always wanted to visit Ireland, even if I’m not Irish. I think the landscape is so beautiful. I know people who have visited, and they loved it. While I was in Ireland I would likely visit Great Britain as well, it might be interesting to see some places that my ancestors came from, in England and Scotland.

 9.) What is one book that inspires you? A book that inspires me is the Bible. I’m particularly inspired by the Psalms.
 10.) If you could be a Disney Character which one would you be? Mary Poppins, because she is a child whisperer and even makes work seem fun. 

 11.) If you could be the editor of any magazine which magazine would it be?  Taste of Home. This is magazine that I’ve always enjoyed reading and aspire to cook from. I think the recipes look so tasty. It could be a very tasty proposition.
11 Random facts about myself
1.)    I love mustard on macaroni and cheese.
2.)   I cook when I am procrastinating.
3.)   I am the oldest of four children, and I have four children.
4.)   I love to cook, but hate using recipe
5.)   Someday I would love to take a cruise to Alaska. I was inspired by a trip my aunt once took to Alaska.
6.)   I dislike egg salad sandwiches very much.
7.)   My birthday is in the summer.
8.)  I spent most of my childhood hanging out on my grandparent’s dairy farm.
9.)   My first pet was gray cat named puff. I don’t think the goldfish count if they die within two days.
10.)I would love to learn how to crochet.
11.)I find it motivating to watch you tube videos of ladies cleaning their kitchens. It gets me in the mood because I hate cleaning, doing dishes etc. I need all the motivation I can get.


Here are nominees for the Liebster Award… drumroll please……

Below are the bloggers that I have nominated.. They are all very different from each other, but have so much to offer the world!! I am so inspired by their blogs.. They each have their own creative spin.  Please go check out each one of their blogs. You will be so glad that you visited. Here they are in random order.

I am nominating you for the Liebster award because of your narrative about why your husband is your hero. It seems that you two are very much in love, keep up the good work.  You are an inspiration for others looking to add some thoughtful romance to our marriage and or relationships.

I can definitely relate to this blog because I have a six year old daughter with some of the same issues. It seems that children are expected not to be children anymore in schools.  Therefore I’m nominating you for the Liebster Award.

I am nominating you for the Liebster award because I thought your story about becoming a mom was so inspiring, and it also made me remember what it was like again to be a first time mom.

This blog is actually written by a college student, but applies so well to people of many different backgrounds such as a SAHM like myself who is a case study in imperfection. Therefore I’m nominating you for the Liebster Award.

Tracie and Jocelyn

This blog is collaboration written by two cousins from Canada. The recipes look so yummy, and I love their attitude. Therefore I’m nominating you for the Liebster Award.

Derek writes about his experiences as a Marine and the importance of the Marines in his life. So grab a cup of coffee, and settle in for a detailed and riveting read. Therefore I’m nominating your blog for the Liebster Award.

Meiko writes a food blog. I really enjoyed perusing through all of the yummy recipes. Your layout, photos, and photos are gorgeous. Therefore I’m nominating your blog for the Liebster Award.

 Beth :

 I aspire to travel and your blog looks like a lot of fun. Therefore I am nominating you for the Liebster Award.

·         Congrats to the Nominees!! I can't wait to read your answers
·         Make sure to check out the blogs of your awesome fellow Nominees

A Note to Nominees:

The next step for the nominees is the following answer the following questions in a blog entry if your own and nominate someone you feel is deserving of recognition in their efforts as new blogger.

Part A.
1.)    Who is the biggest influence in your life right now?
2.)   If you had a time machine, what time period would you like to visit?
3.)   What is your favorite book and why?
4.)   Who is your favorite blogger? How would you like to emulate their success?
5.)   If you could plan a dream vacation where would you go?
6.)   Name something that you would want to improve about yourself.
7.)   What was your first memory?
8.)  What made you want to start blog and why?
9.)   Describe your best childhood memory?
10.)If you could meet anyone at any time in history who would it be and why?
11.)What is your favorite movie or TV show?

Part B.)List 11 Random things about yourself
Remember the rules for the Liebster Blogging Award are as follows:

·          Thank the blog that nominated you and link back to them..
·         Answer 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you. 
·         Tell readers 11 random facts about yourself...
·         Nominate up to 11 bloggers to receive the award next..
·         Give your new nominees questions to answer about themselves.

Happy Blogging and have fun !


  1. AWWW this was great!!! We have a lot in common.. and I love that you answered Billy Graham.. I would love to meet him and talk to him too.. And the Bible inspires me too.. It has changed my life!! Great blog post... I had so much fun doing mine.. Amy (Third Shift Living)

  2. Check me out on Twitter. I've started a new series. Joy in the morning. I found some cute scripture cards. Enjoy.


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